What Does a Chiropractic Adjustment Feel Like?

For most people, a chiropractic adjustment feels like relief, rejuvenation and release. If you need chiropractic care and aren’t sure what to expect, you may have some questions and concerns about the process.

To help calm some of these hesitations, we’ll discuss what you can expect from a chiropractic adjustment.

What Is a Chiropractic Adjustment?

A chiropractic adjustment, also called spinal manipulative therapy, is when a licensed chiropractor uses pressure on the back to manipulate joints, realign the spine and reduce pain. They use their hands or special instruments to apply pressure in quick, precise movements.

Designed to complement traditional medical care, chiropractic adjustment can help treat many conditions that affect the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. The goal of seeing a chiropractor is to realign joints to increase range of motion, improve the body’s physical function and decrease pain throughout the body.

Individuals of all ages may benefit from chiropractic care if they are experiencing:

  • Back pain
  • Joint or muscle stiffness
  • Neck injuries, such as whiplash
  • Migraine headaches
  • Sciatica

What to Expect During a Chiropractic Adjustment

When you go to a chiropractic adjustment appointment, you will first meet with the chiropractor to review your situation. They will perform an initial assessment to identify underlying issues and determine where to focus the treatment.

The chiropractor will cater your adjustment to your specific needs. They will use controlled pressure to realign your spine and ease some of your symptoms.

Do Chiropractic Adjustments Hurt? 

A chiropractic adjustment generally doesn’t hurt. Have you ever cracked your knuckles or had your back popped? These pops usually feel good. Going to a professional chiropractor provides an even more satisfying sensation. Aligning your spine or restoring the range of motion in your joints is an incredible feeling, often described as one of “release.”

You might experience slight discomfort during treatment due to tension or inflammation, but this pain is minor compared to the existing pain that caused you to seek treatment. Many patients who experience mild discomfort find that it passes quickly. After a proper chiropractic adjustment, most people feel immediate relief and improved mobility.

Do Chiropractic Adjustments Hurt?

If a joint is inflamed, it may contribute to sensitivity and tenderness to the touch, but all of our clinicians are trained to detect any apprehension from the patient, and they pull back instead of pushing forward. Causing the patient pain during treatment provides no benefits to healing, and in fact, it could cause the patient to avoid treatment altogether in the future. We want our patients to feel better, not worse.

Is It Normal to Hear Cracking or Popping Sounds?

Cracking and popping noises are completely normal. Gas bubbles can become trapped between joints as you move. A chiropractic adjustment releases these gases, producing the popping sound — the same sound as when you crack your knuckles or back. A chiropractor does not hurt you during an adjustment by cracking bones. The popping sounds are a normal part of the process.

Sometimes, a chiropractic adjustment will create no sound. That’s fine too, and it doesn’t indicate that the procedure has failed.

What to Expect After a Chiropractic Adjustment

If you’re receiving a chiropractic adjustment due to long-term pain or discomfort, there may be a period when your body feels a bit unusual. The slight soreness or discomfort you feel is because your body has been so used to being unaligned that it needs time to adjust to your new posture. This adjustment is a sign that your body is adapting and healing, so it is perfectly normal and will subside over time.

How Will I Feel After a Chiropractic Adjustment?

Following a chiropractic appointment, most patients feel relief and increased mobility. You may experience some level of soreness, but it’s not something one would describe as “pain.” It’s often described as a “feel-good hurt,” indicating that your body has been put back into alignment, and all that remains is time for the tension and inflammation to settle. Any minor aches you feel will usually go away within a day or two.

An adjustment from a qualified chiropractor will relieve tension in certain areas of your spine, but your spine as a whole won’t feel loose or wobbly. When people describe the sense of “looseness” after an adjustment, a better word would be ”flexibility.” There is no instability that comes after a chiropractic adjustment.

Will I Feel Tired After a Chiropractic Adjustment? 

Feeling tired after a chiropractic adjustment is natural. The body undergoes realignment, releasing toxins that stress the nervous system. This release can cause temporary fatigue and soreness, similar to how you might feel after a workout. These symptoms are usually short-lived and part of the healing process.

Results of a Chiropractic Adjustment

Most patients express immediate relief following an adjustment. Though our bodies and their ailments are different, the result of a chiropractic adjustment is often similar from person to person — relief from tension and pain, enhanced mobility and more energy. Some people may feel immediate relief after one session, while others may need several adjustments to fully restore function and mobility.

Chiropractic care leads to positive outcomes for many individuals seeking a drug-free, hands-on approach to their care and well-being. For some patients, chiropractic care can reduce the chances of needing surgery or other invasive treatments. A chiropractor can genuinely help with many aches and pains you may be experiencing. Receiving chiropractic care can:

  • Reduce inflammation.
  • Decrease acute lower back pain.
  • Enhance mobility.
  • Boost energy levels.
  • Treat minor neck and spine injuries.
  • Minimize headaches and migraine.
  • Ease muscle stiffness.
  • Address chronic conditions.
  • Improve posture and range of motion.

Other Types of Chiropractic Adjustments

While you’ll likely feel an immediate sense of relief and well-being following an adjustment, you may feel other sensations depending on what kind of adjustment you receive.

Not all chiropractic adjustments involve pushing on the back. Others involve pulling, stretching, rocking or the simple application of pressure. In some cases, all that’s required for a successful adjustment is to knead gently on locked joints.

Sometimes, a massage is used to loosen various muscles that keep a joint from returning to its proper position. In these cases, patients often experience a sense of amazement in addition to relief. They can’t believe that all it took to release them from their pain was pressure or kneading applied to the right area of the body.

Find Professional, Compassionate Chiropractic Care at Complete Care

Find Professional, Compassionate Chiropractic Care at Complete Care

Complete Care has a team of personal injury chiropractors who treat spinal injuries in those who have experienced an auto or workplace accident. Your health and well-being matter to us, which is why we take great care in diagnosing the source of your pain and providing chiropractic adjustments specific to your needs.

Contact us today or find a location near you to learn more about our chiropractic services.


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